// Founder(s)
Guy Pearson
Dane Thomas
Guy Pearson
Dane Thomas
// Investor(s)
// EVP Investment
Series A lead, 2017
Series C, 2021
Series A lead, 2017
Series C, 2021
// EVP Fund
Fund I
Fund I
Series A lead, 2017
Series C, 2021
Ignition provides a client management platform for professional services firms, with a focus on the accounting sector. Customers use the platform to generate proposals, on-board clients, manage the scope of engagements, automate invoicing and process payments.
Ignition provides a client management platform for professional services firms, with a focus on the accounting sector. Customers use the platform to generate proposals, on-board clients, manage the scope of engagements, automate invoicing and process payments.
// Co-founders Dane Thomas (CPO) and Guy Pearson (CEO)
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